Bruxismo : Dr.Roberto Nascimento Maciel & Dr.Antonio Rey Gil

Dr Antonio Rey Gil & D.Roberto Nascimento Maciel
Bruxismo, ATM, & Neuromuscular Dentistry

jueves, 24 de junio de 2010

Análisis Función Mandibular.

Jaw Movement Analysis

Functional jaw movement analysis and articulator adjustment analysis with the zebris JMA system
Precise recording of the state and mobility of the mandible joint is indispensable for optimum prosthetic treatment and functional analysis.

With the aid of zebris JMA measurement systems - based on the travel time of ultrasound impulses - simple, rapid and high precision measurements are possible with extremely light sensors.

A sensor pen which is included in the scope of supply allows the input of the profile as well as points on the occlusal area.
This newly developed system determines the optimum kinematic axis from protrusion and opening movements. Misinterpretations of the functional evaluation of the condyle paths will be minimized through this.

Measurement can be monitored in real time. The parameters of functional analysis, in addition to the settings of the fully adjustable articulators are issued in an automatically produced report.

The measurement systems can be extended to various applications, ranging from the recording of myographic data to analysis of functional disturbances of the cervical spine.

The basic system zebris JMA20 fulfills all requirements of the modern functional jaw movement analysis.

Data aquisition and analysis of data is performed by commercial personal computers.

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